Environmental Studies
Terramon: Low-latency online earthquake monitoring system
Pacific Northwest Seismic Network: Interactive map of array of seismometers in Pacific Northwest area
USGS US Earthquakes: Daily earthquakes in US
USGS Earthquakes overview: Listing of all and summary of significant earthquakes
LHO regional weather: Precipitation, temperature, wind, etc. info for LHO region
LLO regional weather: Precipitation, temperature, wind, etc. info for LLO region
NOAA: Geostationary Satellite Server imagery color enhancements
NASA EarthData: Near real time satellite imagery
Worldwide strikes: Interactive world-wide, real-time lightning map
More worldwide strikes: Another interactive world-wide, real-time lightning map
LHO wind: Summary of eight years of LHO wind data by station, month, and hour of day
Ocean Currents
NOAA Pacific Wavewatch: Predicted current vectors and wave amplitude
NOAA Gulf Wavewatch: Predicted current vectors and wave amplitude
LHO tilt 2: Summary of 0.03-0.08 Hz seismometer band (the tilt band) for 1 year at LHO
DCC Documentation
Physics Environment Monitoring: Design Requirements Documents: Marin, 1997
The LIGO Observatory Environment: David Shoemaker, 2001
Long term study of the seismic environment at LIGO: Daw, 2004